Best basketball player?

Monday, 23 January 2012

Tech Reporter !

This project was a huge drag! I was given a week to finish, and I procrastinated until the last day before it was due. To start off, you must go to the news website such as Then look at the columns with articles and once you've found a suitable technological device that was released recently, you would describe it on Prezi. Prezi was insanely confusing when I first glanced at it. But now it's pretty straight forward. You choose a type of article to present, then find information which the page questions you about the technological device. Plug in the information you researched onto the Prezi diagrams. Also you need some photos of the technological device to show what it looks like and without photos nothing would stand out and your Prezi would be considered "boring." Lastly, once your diagrams are filled out, you need to link them to go to the next diagram, a bit similar to Powerpoint. You can perform this by clicking on the top left on the side and there will be a "Link to" button. Some ways I can improve my tech reporter is to speak loud and smoothly, I could add more color to the background/words, explain why I like it, how it would change my life, and ask questions to get the class involved.


I am not going to lie but when Ms.Pelat told us we were blogging, I wanted to ask why are we using a such a girly program? The site Ms. Pelat suggested we could use was Blogger or Posterous, I obviously chose Blogger. On Blogger you can create posts, decorate your blog quickly and efficiently. To start Blogger you must make a google account, sign up, create a blog, and blog as much as you want! You can also follow people, such as your classmates. The only problem I found with Blogger was you can't upload videos and photos with ease. You have to upload them separately, whereas in Posterous you can upload photos/videos together with the post. Although I knew this information, I stuck with Blogger because it's much more simpler to post and decorate. Vicky Liu who is a professional at computer programs, helped me start off Blogger and encouraged me to use it. :) So far I only have 3 followers, so follow me please! #TeamFollowBack. Additionally if I can make my blog posts better I would be timely and give people a takeaway. What I mean by that is when an important event occurs I can blog about that to inform everyone, and giving people a takeaway I can give them an important quote/saying to walk away and apply it in their life(life changing words).

Sunday, 22 January 2012


The very first project we used in Information Technology was Powerpoint. Powerpoint is one of the easiest programs to use, honestly I can use this program with my eyes closed! Anyways, this was a partner assignment and my partner was Jeevin Kang. We took turns writing out each page, so basically I would do the title page, and Jeevin would do the table of contents, etc. Jeevin is a great partner to work with, our combined work was marvelous! So basically if you don't know how to use Powerpoint... seriously you need help. The program is so straightforward with "Create a new slide," "Custom Animation," etc. When using Powerpoint, you're free to use anything as long as it fits with the project! Plus, you can create shapes, move it all around the slide, and additionally you can set it to auto from one slide to the next slide. I've pretty much told you all the basic information you need to know about Powerpoint, if you want advanced lessons go to Youtube not me! In order for myself to use this program better is I can use bullet text/bullet points, select colors that have high contrast, pick fonts that are legible, and try to use less text but more visuals.


This project made me furious. I remember last year I had to create a brochure and I disliked it with a passion! Now doing it again this year really makes me angry! First off, you have to choose which design you want for your brochure. So what I mean by that is whether you want to present your brochure for work purposes, or traveling, or advertising. Then, you must think of a topic to discuss, create a title page, and remember to not leave any white on the pages! There are 3 pages in the front and the back. The front left page is the title page, the front middle page is the credits(who it was created by), and the rest of the pages you describe the topic. In addition, during December we had to create a Christmas card, and mine had snowmen, trees, a white Christmas, and writing. I'm not trying to brag but I got 10/10 on my brochure and a few bonus marks for the card! ;) Also, this month was when Ms. Pelat got into that awful car accident which led her not being able to teach her info tech class.:( Last but not least, I hope everyone had a good break/Christmas! I also think to improve my skills the next time I use Publisher is try some of the unique tools such as WordArt, etc. Plus, I will use all kinds of colors to decorate cards too.

Photoshop !

I LOVED THIS PROJECT! The reasons are because I got to do whatever I want, I was free. I photoshopped a perfect picture of Angelina Jolie and turned her differently.Background was turned black with stars, her lips became bright red, a heart necklace was strapped around her neck, and my favorite was attaching a headband to her forehead! Also, just for fun I photoshopped my friend's face into a walrus' body because my friends and I call him a walrus. :) Sincerely this project gives you unlimited freedom! You can paint with the paintbrush, use an eraser(any size you want) and type with the type tool. For practice, Ms. Pelat told us to create anything we wanted and that gave me the chance to design a beautiful day with a house, a sun, and several flowers. Once we had all the experience necessary, we got to move onto the real assignment, which was getting a famous celebrity's face/body and painting it whatever the way we want! Overall, I think my photo was the best! ;) Anways, some ways I can improve on photoshop is not letting any white show, making it look more realistic instead of animation, and to use some of the other tools displayed.


I literally did not know anything about html until this year. One tip to succeeding is, listen to the teacher's instructions or search up htmls from the internet. In addition, the website I created with my group was about Polar Bears. My job in the group was to photoshop photos and research a few interesting facts about polar bears. We used Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Powerpoint, and Microsoft Word. In my group there was, Jeevin Kang, Jason Lin, William Lin, Brendan Allen, Ruvini Amarasekera, Dan Botha, and me! Jeevin created a quiz about polar bears, Jason created a page about the effects of global warming towards polar bears, William and Dan created a page about the lifestyle of polar bears, Ruvini organized the website and created a few pages, Brendan explained the habitat and habits of a polar in a page, and I photoshopped photos and created a page about what the polar bear eats. Lastly, how I can improve next time for group projects with HTML, I can contribute more. I will create a whole webpage with photos and information, not fool around until the project is over, and be neat. I learned html codes such as <html>, <body>, </body>, </html>,etc. Also, I learned how to photoshop basic photos. Plus my group's html was about global warming and how it affects polar bears.


Oh boy, don't even get me started with this program. It was truly a difficult program to use. I barely finished the project due to myself being ill on the days it was instructed. My friend, Zakery Babin, taught me the basics and in the end I finished. Still a good program, I recommend you start off with an easier program first, such as Scratch. Anyways in Flash, you create graphic photos such as a person or an animal, etc. Every body part must be separate photos, because the point is to try to move the figure smoothly. Once the graphic photos have been finished, you create a movie property. Adjust the angles and movements on the time scale, in the end it will become a moving, creative figure! My Flash was a person hitting himself with two ice cream cones, and he's crying. I know it's random but, I was absent on the days the project was explained, therefore mine was poorly created. :( I've learned all the basic instructions to create a good Flash. Something I could do better in Flash in the future is use my time efficiently, spend more time on the time scales, instead of rushing. In addition I can enhance the background and movements to flow smoothly.


Judging from the title, you probably already know what I'm going to talk about. SCRATCH! When I first started the project, I was very frustrated to learn a whole new program and thought it was going to be very boring! But as I progressed on making a game, I found it fun and easy. Basically the way I learned this project was going to the scratch website (which you can do by searching scratch on google) and watching the tutorial videos. In addition Ms. Pelat grouped us to see how others in the class made their scratch. The basic way to structure a game is going into controls and dragging the "When green flag is pressed" and placing it on the space beside the stage. Once performed, you can use whichever tool and attach it under the "When green flag is pressed." Oh! Before using the action buttons, you must first create your animation photos. You can click the stage button on the bottom right and edit your background, edit your figure, etc. Anyways, there are "x" and "y" values which can be set by putting your mouse on the center of the figure, it will show the x and y coordinates. The finished product should be possible to win. By the way, something I could do better next time in Scratch would be to create clear, detailed photos(neatness). Also, I should make it so that the ball becomes faster every time it is hit with the "Welcome" line. I learned alot, I learned how to make multiple sprites move, switch the background, enable a death count, and use the "x" and "y" coordinates.

Im Baaaaaaaaack!

Hello everyone, sorry I was not able to post in a long time I was very busy due to the holidays, but I'm back! :) Anyways, yesterday Lakers vsed the Grizzlies. A close game Lakers 90-82, won by 8 points. By the way I root for the Lakers ;) Also, another close game the Suns vs Bucks 109-93, Trail Blazers vs Cavaliers 98-78. More updates coming soon ! Have a good start of the week (Monday).